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Professional. Approachable. Service you can recommend.

With decades of combined experience, we pride ourselves on the service we provide. Our clients tell us our mix of friendliness and professionalism is unrivalled.

Meet our core team

Mike Smith Director

He's the telecoms guru, and it's afforded him access to more TV production sets than you can shake a clapperboard at. Wherever he is, you can always hear the opening bars of "Sweet Home Alabama" announcing his arrival, so sort of like Darth Vader, but jollier.

Steve Griffiths Director

He's had his finger on the pulse of IT for more than 30 years and if you ask him his fondest memory from over that period, he'll tell you it was his Honda CB400/4 Super Sport. It's possible he misunderstood the question.

Gareth Tucker IT Support Engineer

Gareth joined us in July 2019 and his interests divide evenly between IT and music. He sings in the office most days, accompanying himself on percussion (otherwise known as the edge of his desk). Can’t exactly say what he sings - he’s half the age of the rest of us and listens to stuff we couldn’t identify on a bet. Luckily we do have shared interests we can all talk about all day long. No, not IT. That would just be sad. Food.

Arlene Griffiths Office Manager

Hasn't been in IT as long as Steve, but still longer than she cares to remember. She's also responsible for (guilty of) the newsletter and she’s proud to be the Proof Reader from Hell (warning: don't mailshot us unless you're prepared to have it severely critiqued).

Nikki Power Admin Assistant

Nikki joined us in January 2018, bringing the kind of practicality and common sense that comes from bringing up three children. As luck would have it, this has also equipped her with exactly the skills required to manage our team of engineers.

 Aspect strike the perfect balance between informality and professionalism. We can discuss any project, large or small, without being drowned in jargon and still with the assurance that the solution we get will be right for us both in the short and long term and most importantly, it'll be fairly priced. 
BD, Managing Director, Pontypridd